Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Calgary Police Car Accident Report Do Police In Calgary Alberta Report Car Accidents To Auto Insurance Companies?

Do police in Calgary Alberta report car accidents to auto insurance companies? - calgary police car accident report

Hi all - got into trouble with a minor accident. Unfortunately, someone rear ended. There was minor damage to the bumper of another driver and I agreed to pay damages out of pocket. And he has to tell my insurance. He stopped to sign the filing of a police force. I am a bit worried that the police would tell my insurance and my prices will increase further, even if I pay for the damage himself.


maxinebo... said...

The insurance company is because they are connected to the database. You will probably raise your rates even if the accident did not cost a penny. Insurance companies could give lessons Shylock, when it comes to greed. Oh, and incidentally, points (if any) will transfer their license in a few years. But the insurance has a long memory and will continue to collect the premiums. (A question was asked of you probably signed in the first place: "Have you had tickets in the last five years)

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